Together We Win

Resolving Complex Disputes Between Neighbors

Your home is your castle and a place of refuge for you and your family. In San Diego, there are countless homes that have the perfect view. When disputes with your neighbors causes your home to become a battleground, the core of your peace and tranquility becomes threatened. Neighbors make changes to property or engage in other behaviors that lead to disputes. This type of dispute is emotionally taxing and costly to fight. It is important to handle them with proven strategies that resolve them efficiently and return peace to the neighborhood.

At Goode | Hemme, our real estate law attorneys work with parties involved in complex neighbor disputes. Over the past two decades, we have represented many California landowners who have found themselves in these types of situations. Our skill and guidance can help you find the right path forward in your case.

Common Issues In Neighbor Or Boundary Dispute Cases

Disputes here can arise over perfectly legitimate reasons – such as a person was confused about where his or her property begins or ends – but they might also happen due to a poor relationship between the parties. Various examples that often lead to property disputes between neighbors include:

  • Putting up a fence or wall on another person’s property
  • Claiming another’s property as one’s own (going over established boundary lines)
  • Cutting down or damaging a neighbor’s trees, planting trees on a neighbor’s property or planting trees that block a view
  • Draining excessive water on a neighbor’s property
  • Using another’s property without permission or easement

It can be very hard to find common ground in these cases. Often, each side will be very emotional and attached to their specific concerns. Things continue to escalate until a lawsuit becomes necessary. Our attorneys work hard to resolve these matters before they have to head inside the courtroom, but know that if your neighbor remains unreasonable, we are prepared to take your case to a trial if it is in your best interests.

Working With You To Protect Your Property

When you are involved in a significant property dispute with your neighbor, you need experienced representation on your side. Contact our real estate lawyers today to learn more about your options. Call 858-587-3555 or send us an email to schedule your appointment.